Being an overweight teen can be very difficult. The pressures of the media over TV and the internet, school, and peer pressure and can really get you down. Obese teens have it harder, and it isn't fair, but there are things that can be done. Here are 5 free weight loss for teens techniques.
* Walking - A brisk walk of only 15 minutes can burn 120-150 calories! Go out for a walk around a local park or around the neighborhood. If you walk for 15-30 minutes each day, you should start seeing results very quickly.
* Swimming - Want to lose weight super fast? Jump in the pool! Just 45 minutes of swimming can burn 400-500 calories.
* Eating breakfast - Teens who skip on breakfast have their metabolism greatly lowered. Eating breakfast every morning increases the metabolism, which in turn burns more and more calories throughout the day.
* Checking food labels - Most teens overeat 200-300 percent or more than they should, just because they don't read the labels on the back of the foods they eat. The food label on the back of a product should always tell you the amount of calories in the food. Times the number of calories by the amount of "servings" in the food, and you will get the true amount of calories in the meal.
* Understanding Calories - Losing weight all has to do with simple math. The average person needs to consume 1800-2200 calories every day in order to maintain their weight. So, in order to lose weight, you need to lower your daily caloric intake. You can do this by exercising or eating slightly less. A good percentage to cut calories by for weight loss is 15-20%. Exercising while understanding how many calories you are consuming is the key to weight loss!